Sunday, April 19, 2009

Perfect Day

Today was a great Sunday. We actually got to sleep in and then have a nice pancake breakfast. At 1 we have our meeting and afterwards we were invited to hospitality where we engaged in some great spiritual and casual conversation. There was a lot of good food, too. When we got home we did some Scooby Doo and Sponge Bob, ate some left over brownies and curled Jessica's hair in spirals. I wish every day was like this.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week of unending sickness

As my ear throbs and drains, as my children walk around with unending sinus problems, as my husband itches with poison ivy, as my cousin lays in the hospital with internal bleeding. I am confused. Pray pray pray. Hope. Listen. The sun is in the sky, the sky is blue, the white puffy clouds blow by. One day, as God promised no one will say "I AM SICK." All will be in paradise. No one will shed a tear.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Laconic Landlady

As I sit here sweating it out, rushing to the bank by 1 p.m. to make a deposit, I think about some of the residents apartments. Some of them have big screen televisions. Some just bought new cars. Elaborate decor, plants, clothing and shoes. We are on payment arrangements, budget plans, skipping our own personal mortgages to pay the apartment buildings mortgages. We owe, we owe, we owe, while they sit back and have a BBQ and watch thier big screen's. They reluctantly send off the rent, probably thinking they shouldn't have to. We need medical insurance. Who the hell is gonna pay for that?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Boring Friday night

It's getting late. Tiring out the baby. Playing ball, reading, eating, running, hide and seek. Hopefully she'll go to bed early.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Laconic Landlady in frustration mode

Dear Residents,

I know you think that landlords are rich, understanding, and patient. I know that you don't think twice about the water bill, public electricity, public gas, washer and dryers and snow removal costs. We know you don't think about our children tucked into thier beds at night, our grocery money and our own homes that have a hundred unending problems. It's real. And when you don't pay your rent, we can't pay anything. Call us we'll help you with problems in your apartments, call us we'll help you hang a large picture on the wall. But , please, don't call us and tell us your mother is a liar, your husband didn't get paid yet---as the delivery guy is bringing in your new plasma t.v. and please don't owe us rent and call us that you're locked out. Stop buying things and start putting your home number one. We are people, we are mother's, father's, sister's, cousin's. We have bills of our own.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Laconic Landlady Part 2

The baby is watching Jack's Big Music Show, Steve is laying in bed. I showed the apartment for rent to a girl with a very messed up situation. She wants to rent it. For her it would be a miracle, for us it would be $1700.00 by Wednesday. We could pay the mortgage on one of the buildings and a few bills. Everything is starting to fall apart again financially. I am tired of bobbing up and down. I want to be standing in some shallow water for a change with my feet pressed into the sand. The miracle of it all is with God's help I feel calm. Whatever happens I don't care. Everything will work out.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pink Pizza

It's really weird what you'll do for money. A girl that I may have had a class or two with from highschool came and applied for an apartment at WillowStone. She has 5 kids, is getting seperated from her enourmously huge husband, and no income-Yet I am going to rent the apartment to them. She is getting charity form her church, and they are going to pay her security deposit, first months rent, and the next few months and then she's on her own. Her husband will cosign the lease and her son is joining the Navy this weekend and promises to help pay. I am just going to do it. We need the money, too. I am taking the chance, just to do something for God. After I came home, I felt sick. I played with the baby and gave Jessica a driving lesson. She did very, very well. We drove all the way to New Lenox, the next town over. When i got home I cooked dinner and then me and my two girls played with playdough. Guess what we made?

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Laconic Landlady Part 1

Twas the month after Christmas and all through the town
All of the renters were walking around with a frown
I bought all kinds of stuff for friends and family
Now I dont have enough for my rent and utilities
Yet the landlord is just a person making thier way through life
A son and a daughter and a dutiful wife
They have bills to pay too including a mortgage

So when you find yourself looking to go on a splurge
Do all of us landlords a your rent first!